Jimmie found himself in Sacramento, a new and foreign city to him and not knowing what to do. In 2017 he was a regular at Loaves and Fishes area where he met Abram Nunn, PA for Mobile Medicine.
Abram Nunn submitted a Pathways referral to Sacramento Covered in efforts to overcome Jimmie’s homeless chronic status. Jimmie resides at the VOA Railroad Shelter. He met two Community Health Workers (CHW) from Elica, Matt and Tiffany who began to engage him on a daily basis. He had been hesitant to receive medical services. After 8 hours of convincing, Tiffany finally got him to see Abram Nunn at the VOA Shelter as he had a serious infection on his foot.
Abram Nunn, was able to get Jimmy quickly admitted to Mercy General. Despite Mercy General not having a Podiatrist on staff, Abram was able to call and get the Podiatrist from Mercy San Juan, Dr. Haynam to come down to Mercy General to take a look at Jimmie’s foot. Jimmie had surgery next day after his admission.
Tiffany and Matt did a hospital visit to see how he was doing and to let him know that he matters to not only to them, but to Elica as well. Jimmie was so overcome with joy that they cared enough to come see him at the hospital that his emotions over took him and tears ran down his face.
Jimmie made it very clear that he did not want to go back to the shelter, he wants to get back on his feet and get back to work. Jimmie stated that he was willing to be admitted to a SNF because the CHWs Matt and Tiffany showed him that he matters and his health is their priority.
CHW Matt work closely with Mercy San Juan Case managers and Jimmie was placed at Arden Post-Acute Rehab who has assisted in his healing process.
Matt spoke with Jimmie and let him know how crucial it was that he stay in the facility until he is cleared to leave, to ensure that he was fully healed. Jimmie was reluctant, afraid and unsure, but told Matt, “I trust you, and know you’re looking after my well being, so if you’re asking me to stay, I will see the treatment through.”
Thankfully he stayed, his foot has healed and he has gotten his housing voucher.
With kindness, coordination of high level of care, persistence and healing with heart, Jimmie is healthy, happier and best of all, off the streets of Sacramento.
(Left) Matt, Community Health Worker at Elica and Jimmie (right)
Medicare Open Payments Information
For informational purposes only, a link to the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Open Payments web page is provided here. The federal Physician Payments Sunshine Act requires that detailed information about payment and other payments of value worth over ten dollars ($10) from manufacturers of drugs, medical devices, and biologics to physicians and teaching hospitals be made available to the public.
The Open Payments database is a federal tool used to search payments made by drug and device companies to physicians and teaching hospitals. It can be found at https://openpaymentsdata.cms.gov
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